It can be a hassle for many visitors to Vietnam whom need visa to enter to the country. Many people resort to sending their passports off to the embassy weeks in advance of their trip and pay hundreds of dollars for the Vietnam visa. A lesser know option in the past few years has been arranging for a visa online through an agent, but it still required lining up at the airport upon arrival and was only valid when arriving at the 3 major airports.
Starting 1st February 2017, you'll be able to arrange for your Vietnam visa online, directly through a Government website. According to the website, processing time will be 1-3 working days and the pdf visa will be emailed directly to the applicant.
More details are still to be released, but you can start the process now and see what information they do have directly on the governmental authority's website.
Visa Free Travel to Phu Quoc
It's also worth to take note that if you plan on spending your entire trip on the islands of Phu Quoc, you can travel there visa free for up to 30 days.