11 Reasons South America Needs to be on Your Travel Hit List

Best of South America-Sugar Loaf-Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Best of South America-Sugar Loaf-Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

All the hype about this epically huge city are well deserved. With stunning beaches, towering mountains, great nightlife and lots of local attractions you could spend an entire month here and still feel like it wasn’t enough. Enjoy the most spectacular views atop the Sugar Loaf, get up close and personal with Christ the Redeemer, and see the hard work and detail that has gone into the creation of the Lapa steps. Next hit the beach where you can people watch the day away, shop for bikinis from a walking vendor and snack on refreshing Acai and grilled Queijo aka cheese all right from your towel. Lets not forget Rio is also home to Carnival one of the wildest and biggest street parties in the world.

Best of South America-Bonito, Brazil
Best of South America-Bonito, Brazil

Bonito, Brazil

Ecotourism at its finest. This one road town is renowned for its wildlife, cave systems and crystal clear rivers and lakes which surround it. Take a day trip to Rio de Prata where you can snorkel in waters so clear you could easily forget you were in the wild and not in an aquarium. It is also a great jumping off point to discover Brazil's Pantanals where you can go in search of monkeys, anacondas and big cats.

Best of South America-Solar De Uyuni, Salt Flats Bolivia
Best of South America-Solar De Uyuni, Salt Flats Bolivia

Solar de Uyuni, Bolivia

This is a region of the world that is hard to believe even exist. The salt flats stretch further then the eye can see and glisten so white that it makes for some amazing photo illusions. A 3 day tour will not only take you to the famed salt flats but further into the jaw dropping scenery that surrounds them. You'll see lakes of pink flamingos, geysers and hills and mountains in colours you never knew the earth could produce.

Best of South America-Lake Titicaca, Peru & Bolivia
Best of South America-Lake Titicaca, Peru & Bolivia

Lake Titicaca, Boliva & Peru

The highest navigable lake feels like something out of a dream. Wrap up warm and head over to the Island of Sun and take a scenic walk over beaches, hills and ancient ruins all with stunning views of the lake. Another worth while visit is to the Islas Uros where you can see how the Uros people live on floating islands made completely of totora reeds.

Best of South America-Pucon-Chile
Best of South America-Pucon, Chile

Pucon, Chile

I don’t know anywhere else in the world where you can take 7 hard hours to conquer an active snow capped volcano and then race back down on your backside on a plastic disk. Sounds dangerous but is so awesome and the views are unreal! The pretty town of Pucon is situated next to several large lakes and draws crowds year round.  It offers all sorts of activities from horse riding, hiking, white-water rafting and skiing in the winter.

Best of South America- Valparaiso, Chile
Best of South America- Valparaiso, Chile

Valparaiso, Chile

I don't have much to say about this colourful seaside spot except that it is pretty special and just spending a couple days here will make you realise why. This hilly city has beautiful architecture, quirky shops, great seafood restaurants, streets filled with art and some not too shabby views of its bay.

Best of South America- Colca Canyon- Arequipa, Peru
Best of South America- Colca Canyon- Arequipa, Peru

Colca Canyon, Peru

Why do an overnight hike into the deepest canyon in the world? Because it’s hard as hell, you can tell everyone you did it and best of all there is a dessert oasis complete with pools and palm trees to greet you at the bottom.  Spot Condors flying over head and take in the spectacular views. Just be sure you don’t get too carried away with celebratory drinks at the bottom because remember you still need to haul yourself back out the next day.

Best of South America- Machu Picchu, Peru
Best of South America- Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, Peru

Best of South America- Valle De Cocora- Salento, Colombia

Machu Picchu isn’t a wonder of the world without good reason. This achingly beautiful site will keep you up at night wondering how in the world it was even built. Getting there is half the fun as you can hike the Inca Trail or several alternate routes which vary in length or hop on a train if hiking is out of the question. No matter how tired you are, when you get to the ruins try and muster up enough energy to climb Huayna Piccu Mountain which gives you an amazing ariel view of the ruins.

Best of South America- Valle De Cocora- Salento, Colombia
Salento, Colombia

This tranquil and scenic little town is set amongst the foothills of the Coffee Triangle. A far cry from the bustling and hectic major cities of Medellin and Bogota this is a welcome escape where you can relax, walk amongst the towering trees in the Valle de Cocora and sip on extremely fresh coffee. Take a tour at one of the nearby coffee plantations; try your hand at a game of Tejo (a game of aim involving gun powder) or just laze the day away reading a book and admiring the country side.

Best of South America- Cartagena, Colombia
Best of South America- Cartagena, Colombia

Cartagena, Colombia

A colourful colonial town situated on the Caribbean coast with pretty beaches and sunny courtyards to explore and dine within.  Stay in the old town and spend your days admiring the architecture, old churches and museums. There's also plenty of awesome restaurants and shopping to be done here.

Best of South America- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Best of South America- Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Awesome food, Check! Top notch night life, Check! Beautiful people, Check! This buzzing cosmopolitan city has it all. Eat your way through amazing steaks and Italian food, wash it down with a bottle of Malbec and party the night away at some of the biggest nightclubs in the world. Take a visit to the colourful area of San Telmo where you can stroll the cobble streets checking out the antique shops, street stalls and tango parlours. If you’re a football enthusiast you won’t want to miss a visit to the Bocca Juniors Stadium, home to the wildest most enthusiastic supporters in the world.

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